Sunday, April 20, 2008

Getting a Treasury

Okay, Etsians know what we are talking about when we it's hard to get a Treasury spot. Being on at just the right moment is obviously key but who has that kind of memory to remember when you need to be on. We're going to have to start setting an alarm just to get one. We really want to show off our faves. I guess there is nothing we can do but keep trying!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Earrings

In the next few days we will be adding tons of new items to our etsy site. Just listed, 2 pair of earrings for people on a budget. These earrings are stunning and affordable. Just take a looksie! Visit our site and tell us your favorite piece and be entered to win a pair of earrings!
We will draw a winner on May 5.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Mother Bracelets are HOT right now! I can understand why...children are so precious and what a wonderful keepsake for a mother or grandmother to treasure.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A new journey

For the past couple of months we have plunged into this new jewelry venture. What fun! It has been a complete blast. Local sells have even been decent. Please, browse around our site and see what you think. We are in the process of revamping a little. That will show in the new pictures in the next couple of days.